(Money, Parenting, Sex, Division of Labor and In-Laws)


  • Need to get 5.5 Category A hours?
  • Practicing as a psychologist, social worker, licensed professional counselor or licensed marriage and family therapist
  • A student in graduate school?
  • Appropriate for beginning level, intermediate level and advanced level


  • Want to update and refresh your couple therapy skills?
  • Want exposure to techniques to help couples resolve common marital conflicts?
  • Benefit from a tool box for immediate use in your practice of couple therapy?



In this presentation, Dr. Alexander will share his innovative approach to help couples overcome conflicts in five content areas: money, parenting, sexuality, division of labor and in-laws. Repetitive conflict in these five areas can wreak havoc in committed partnerships and are a frequent trigger for divorce. His approach is based on understanding the role of three key dynamics in marital discord:

  1. We all have control issues
  2. Couples polarize
  3. Our personal history shapes our beliefs

With awareness of these three dynamics, couples and the professionals who treat them can utilize Dr. Alexander’s unique approaches to help couples, including:

  1. The 12 Principles for Prosperous Partnerships
  2. The Four As
  3. The Parenting and Money Narrative
  4. Compassionate Apologies
  5. Deep Dives
  6. Building the Empathy Muscle

In addition to structured exercises, Dr. Alexander will also share quick tips to help couples find workable compromise in all five conflict areas. He will use case examples, evidence-based recommendations and insights gleaned from his thirty five years of experience as a couple and family therapist to help participants apply these materials immediately to their practice.

Also available at the presentation will be Dr. Alexander’s book: Five Marital Conflicts and How to Resolve Them: The Guide to Getting Along. The book is written for clients and the therapists who help them.

Specific Objectives Include:

  • Identify the role of control, polarization and personal history in marital discord
  • Describe how the 4As can help couples depolarize
  • Describe 12 principles for prosperous partnerships
  • Identify the application of the money narrative to help couples resolve money problems
  • Describe seven key principles for effective parenting
  • Identify the application of the parenting narrative to help couples resolve parenting problems
  • Describe five specific interventions for sexual problems in committed partnerships
  • Identify the application of the division of labor narrative to help couples resolve division of labor conflicts
  • Describe the application of positive illusion to resolving issues with in-laws

5.5 CE Hours (Category A) are provided for psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists and licensed professional counselors. It is the participant’s responsibility to check with their individual state boards to verify CE requirements for their state.


WHERE – Location: Cornwell Center, 2001 Selwyn Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28207

COST – $239 Standard (includes workbook)

$28.95 (Pre-Order) Five Marital Conflicts and How to Resolve Them (Money, Parenting, Sex, Division of Labor, In-Laws: The Guide to Getting Along by Matthew Alexander, Ph.D.

Accommodations for the Differently Abled:

Alexandertherapy’s training facilities are handicapped accessible. Individuals needing special accommodations please contact Dr. Matthew Alexander, (704) 371-3070 or [email protected]

Grievance Policy

Commonwealth Educational Seminars (CES) seeks to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances in a fair manner. Please submit a written grievance to: Matthew Alexander, Ph.D., [email protected] or (704) 371-3070. Grievances would receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action in order to prevent further problems.


“Dr. Matthew Alexander is one of the top experts in the field of couple therapy. In addition to being an excellent clinician, Dr. Alexander is an author and musician. His clinical experience blended with his creative teaching approaches make this workshop a rare treat for anyone looking for depth of content and a fun learning experience.” Dr. Bryan E. Robinson, marriage therapist and author of Chained to the Desk and 25 other self help books.